Feng Shui – Man Luck (part 2 of 2)

27 08 2009

Personal Development

1.       Goal. What is your ideal life, what do you want, put this as a Goal? Develop a vision of what you want – relationships, wealth and health. There are no limits. From my experience, the main limitations have been placed by the people themselves.

Make the vision simple and clear; not fuzzy and vague,

Ideas like

A new life partner?

A new life style – living in different type of home, different type of car?  

Perfect Health?


Then break down the Goals into manageable and achievable components.

2.       Be prepared to experience change. You cannot change if you want to be different.

Enlarge or stretch your comfort zone.

Do something different every single day. Try new foods, something you have never tasted, (try it at least once before giving an opinion), go to places you have never been before, try to  wear something different (something you have never thought you would wear – new style, new image). Just by doing this, you are stretching your comfort zone. Just do different things.


3.       Have a Positive mindset. With a positive mindset, you will look at the world in a different light and you will notice positive things or changes. As a result positive things happen. With a negative mindset, nothing will get done or maintain the status quo.


In general, people have a resistance to change. With no change, you cannot achieve your goal. This resistance has to be removed if you want change,


4.       Be able to accept failure and rejection or “No”. This only takes you closer to your chosen goal. Failure teaches you lessons from which success is built on. Think of the falls you had when you learnt to walk or ride a bicycle.


5.       Rejection or a “No”. There are plenty of others there, probably even more suitable. This is all part of the search. In TV programmes like “America Got Talent” or “Britain Got Talent”, see how many people they have to audition just to find a winner – at least 100,000? Just do not give up when you get the first “No”. A “No” makes you one step closer to a “Yes”.


6.       Absolute Belief in self – I achieve my goals. If you do not have the belief, you can get distracted to other things.


7.       People always go back to what they feel most comfortable, especially when stressed, Keep the change going and maintaining it. This is the greatest challenge to the change process.


8.       After all this, are you meeting people who are negative, angry, refuse to change or positive, happy people who are a pleasure to be with. You are attracting a new set of people – this is the law of attraction at work – because “you are attracting “ type of people


9.       In a normal road journey, you know the destination before you depart. Life is like a road journey and you focus on your goals. Should you change your mind or give up, you are stuck or lost. Keep the focus on your goal.


10.   This is a very quick summary of the Personal Development. I will be discussing more of these methods later.

Feng Shui – Man Luck (part 1 of 2)

25 08 2009

Man Luck is one part of the Trinity of Luck which is a central tenet of Chinese Philosophy.

The Trinity of Luck being Heaven Luck (Destiny), Earth Luck (your environment) and Man Luck (yourself)

You are the result of your thoughts, your actions and your deeds.

It is all because of you. Nobody else.

You might regret a number of your decisions that you made.

But, can you do anything about it?

No, it is the past.

Why worry about it. Nothing can be done to change the situation because it is the past.

Can you make better decisions to improve the quality of your life in the future?

Yes you can, you can change your life.

It is better to spend time to change your future because you can.

You cannot do anything that is past. Can you?

Life is like a road journey with an unknown destination.

You do not know the events that could happen on the journey.

Life could be just drifting from one crisis to another.

Just drifting with no particular path or direction.

Have you ever thought where you want to go to (in life)?

Are you equipped to travel on this road safely?

Personal Development is the process that prepares you for life’s journey.

  1. You decide on the destination – by establishing your goals with a time scale
  2. Are you prepared for the journey – do you have the right tools?

Once you have established your goals and equipped with the appropriate tools, life can be so much simpler and easier. You get what you want.

However, it is not some quick fix. Like taking a tablet to cure all. It is the development of your mindset. It is to make changes that developed since you were born.


Take responsibility for all of your actions.

Spend your energy of things that you can change (the future) and not what you cannot (the past)

Feng Shui – Earth Luck

18 08 2009

Dancing with Nature at the Right Tempo

Feng Shui is part of Chinese Philosophy where, living with nature benefits both humans and their environment.

All successful civilisations have learnt to live with Nature.

When you respect Nature, it will reward you.

When you abuse Nature, there will be repercussions.

People need a secure place to live and have reliable sources of food and water. So they have learnt to use the seasons knowing when to plant their crops for the best harvest.

In temperate countries: – crops are sown in Spring and harvested in Autumn (fall).

In Tropical countries (and ancient Egypt) – crops are sown in the wet season and harvested in the dry season.

When people want to sail the oceans, they know the direction of the prevailing winds for that time of the year.

For example: The trade winds.

April to Oct – winds are from the South West. Therefore, travel is in the South Easterly direction from Arabia to South East Asia or The Spice Islands. .

Oct to Mar – winds from the North East. Therefore, travel is in the North Westerly direction, returning from South East Asia to Arabia.

Therefore, merchants depart from Arabia between April to October and return when the winds change the direction later in the year.

This reliance on Nature changed with the industrial revolution in the 19th Century. Machines were invented and people became less dependent on Nature. In the 20th Century, there was talk about controlling and conquering nature with even more technology. However, in the 21st Century, it is payback time. The earth is facing the issue of global warming caused by the excesses of industrialization.

Man has forgotten how important Nature is. It is everywhere. It is all powerful. When you work with Nature, Nature will assist you.

Chinese civilisation began some 4,000 years ago. The Chinese sages observed the behaviour of Nature and compiled the rules to live with Nature. Not only to survive but to prosper. This was initially known as Kan Yi (Management of the Land) which was later named Feng Shui. The Chinese civilisation is oldest continuous civilisation and they understood how to get the best of Nature. It is the most successful civilisation with 1.3 billion people or 20% of the world’s population.

In Chinese Philosophy – the expression – Where there is Energy, (Qi) there is life.  Feng Shui is about the Qi in the Environment. They noticed successful towns, buildings, homes, crop fields had Qi whereas the unsuccessful ones did not.

They made these observations on Qi and formulated the rules.

  • The flow of Qi along the terrain of the Earth.
  • The quality of Qi from different directions changes with time.
  • The quality of Qi varies with time.

These observations became Feng Shui – a study of both time and space.

Feng Shui explains why some towns are really prosperous all the time, others occasionally and other towns, struggling all the time. This explains why some properties can be really prosperous but all the neighbouring properties are not. Some properties are never successful and have a continual change of tenants.

As a result, this knowledge can be used to design property (houses, buildings (residential & commercial) and cities that are prosperous and the people living in harmony.

Feng Shui – The Trinity of Luck

12 08 2009

This is one of the central tenets of Chinese Philosophy. The person’s life has three main influences which happen simultaneously.

Heaven Luck:

This is the roadmap of your life – also known as Destiny. This can be read through your Horoscope or Astrological Chart which is based on your time of birth. These charts are specific to the person. It informs you the periods of good luck and bad luck with other information.

Earth Luck:

This is the quality of the environment that you live in. Feng Shui is a methodology for assessing this quality.

Man Luck:

This is about you the person – your personality – “a go getter” or “very laid back”, a positive or negative mindset. There are many methods to improve the quality of your life by being able to control the direction of your life.

Inter-relationship of the 3 Lucks

The result of your life is because of the inter-relationship of the three lucks. It is because of this inter-relationship that the comment “astrology is not always accurate” is made.

Let us take the following examples

The astrology reading states “you will win from the lottery”.
You can only win IF you purchase a ticket; as the saying goes “no lottery ticket, no prize”.

The reading states – “You will get the job”.
Did you apply for it in the first place?

The reading states – “You will get married”.
Are you actively looking for a partner or just staying at home?

However, this inter-relationship can help you particularly when the astrology reading states that you are in a period of bad fate luck – this is a period of time when you make bad decisions and suffer the consequences. Your normal life can be improved dramatically by modifying aspects in the Earth and Man Lucks.

Can Governments be brought down by a single person (the blogger)?

9 05 2009

1. We saw Brown’s Labour Government run into serious turbulence when the blogger “Guido Fawkes” publish an e-mail from the Prime Minister’s Office on smear stories.

2. In Malaysia, the ruling party (Barisan Nasional) of the last 50 years suffered a major loss of Parliamentary seats from a two-thirds majority to 72 seat majority in the 2008 election.

What prompted this major change?

Bloggers have been clarifying the opaqueness of the political situation which in turn has helped mobilise the opposition parties. The Government arrested one blogger – Raja Petra Kamarudin on “anti-terrorism laws” but these charges could not be justified in a court of law. It appears that Raja Petra is outside Malaysia and he blogs no more. However, other bloggers are keeping up the vigilance .

What is this New Order – the previously almighty Government being blown off course by a single person (the blogger).

This New Order being Social Media – the use of modern communication technology so that people can collect and share information. This leads to systems being open, random and supportive.

As a result, we get transparency – single persons have the power to disseminate “hidden” information so that the masses can ask the “right” questions.

Everyone has to adapt to survive as this is part of human evolution. In a Democratic system, the incumbent can be changed by voters and replaced with a new Government that has adapted to the change. For example, in the USA, Obama successfully used Social Media to raise funds and get votes in his Presidential campaign. And, Obama is still using it.

Feng Shui is a study of the space and time dimensions. It forecasts major structural changes in society including an increase in the collective power of the individual person.

Social Media – here we come.

Michael Oon

Commercial Buildings –Site Selection 1

7 05 2009

The tale of 2 Greek Restaurants

“Location Location Location” is the mantra of many Property Experts. However, have they thought of the Feng Shui considerations?

Two Restaurants (Halapi Restaurant and Zorba Greek Restaurant) are located at either side of a parade of shops in Leinster Terrace in London.  From the standard business analysis, you would expect similar levels of business as they would have access to the same clientele. However, from the Feng Shui perspective, one restaurant has really good Feng Shui characteristics whereas the other, is poor.

Halapi Restaurant very cramped but full most nights with regulars. Such is the “pull” of the restaurant that people from many different countries make it a point to dine there whenever they are in London. As for Zorba Greek Restaurant, it has just closed its doors after many years of having poor business.

When selecting a property for business, a Feng Shui analysis will reveal whether good business can be carried out in this building or not. Let the buyer beware especially at these times of economic stringency. Had the owner of Zorba Restaurant sought Feng Shui comment, it would have not only saved him money, anguish and many years worth of time. Life would have been much more fulfilling and productive with a business in a different location.

Michael Oon; 7th May 2009

Halpati Restaurant

Halpati Restaurant

Zorba Greek Restaurant

Zorba Greek Restaurant