Joining the Nick and Vanessa Experience

30 04 2009

I drove home after spending a day with Nick and Vanessa at their Social Media course at the Guildford Holiday Inn. I was mentally exhausted from the session but knew very well that I had understood the basis of Social Media. But to get any successful results from it, it was up to me to execute the necessary work.

From experience, attending relevant courses is probably the best way to learn more of that subject. However, choosing a suitable course is fraught with obstacles especially when the subject is the internet itself. How do you sort the wheat from the chaff?

I am sure spectacular offers like this have been made:

  • Course list price: value US$1,000; especially for you US$50
  • Mentoring: Price for life US$1,000

It is not easy as I have been “burnt” many a time. In general, before committing to any course, I have always made it a point to meet the speakers. On this occasion, I had met Nick and Vanessa at a the Guildford Ecademy club meeting which gave me the confidence that I would benefit from a workshop session that they organised.

It is now up to me to use the tools that I have learnt at this session. Want to join me on this rollercoaster ride?

Michael Oon

Hello world!

28 04 2009

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